08/26/19 UPDATE: We are still LOVING our closet update I talked about in this blog post and Modular Closets is having a BASH SALE right now through Labor Day where you can get up to 25% off! You can click here for my affiliate link to check out the sale and start customizing your closet!!
REMINDER: Affiliate links do not affect your cost but allow me to receive
a small percentage of the sale which helps keep my blog ad free. :)
12/26/18 BLOG POST:
We did a complete DIY custom closet overhaul in our master bedroom in ONE WEEKEND! I know what you're thinking... one weekend is impossible.
Well, not when your closet is as small as ours. :) We only had four shelves and rods to remove. Demo has never been so easy!

This post is sponsored by Modular Closets, but all opinions and statements are 100% my own.
I will never recommend products to my readers that I have not tried, tested and/or used myself, first.
One of my biggest complaints about our home is lack of storage (see how I improvise and organize our small storage closets by clicking here), and the master bedroom closet is no exception. After cramming my threads and kicks into the closet like sardines for a year, I turned our guest bedroom into my dream boutique style closet - three years ago. Then I quit my office job and launched my interior design business so I needed a place to work from home.
I threw a desk in the middle of that same room and called it my cloffice.
It has worked out great for the last three years, until I added another business into the mix and outgrew the space. As much as I will miss the cloffice, it is fun to think about turning it into a real home office where I have space to store design samples and create hair and makeup tutorials for my YouTube channel.

[Bye, bye, cloffice. It's been real.]
When Modular Closets reached out to me about reviewing a DIY custom closet for ourselves, it was not only the perfect timing but the perfect opportunity to redo my office and move back into the master closet.
If you like to save a little money on things you can do yourself, then I think this system would be a good option to explore if you're looking to add some organization to your closet. The assembly is easy and straight-forward (unlike IKEA), and install is just as easy and straight-forward as you'll see in this video:
Their pricing is incredibly reasonable and they offer free closet design as well, which takes the guesswork out of what to order. I simply sent them the measurements of my closet and one of their professionals worked up an initial design based on those measurements, then we tweaked it to my needs from there.
The whole process was a breeze and ended up saving me a lot of time and uncertainty.
Now for the fun part...

As I mentioned earlier, demo ended up being quick - which came as a shock. I guess the upside to the old closet shelving sagging and separating from the wall was that it came down easily and didn't require any drywall repair.

After demo we needed to brighten up that dingy paint, so we trekked over to Home Depot and I picked out Behr Paint Polar Bear 75 for the color. It's a little creamier than Ultra Pure White, but doesn't have any weird undertones.
I'll be using that same color in my office overhaul next, AND our guest bathroom remodel coming soon as well!

It looked so much better already. I've said it once and I'll say it a million times - the power of paint never ceases to amaze me!
While the walls were drying, I began assembling the units. I opted to assemble everything in the garage and then have Mr. CG help me carry them up to our room. We laid everything out according to the design by Modular Closets to make sure they fit and I didn't mis-measure. Everything fit great so we began installation.
To be honest, everything had gone so smooth up to this point so I was fully expecting intall to be a bear because there always seems to be something that gives you grief in any DIY.

To my surprise, installation was a breeze and I couldn't wait to start moving back in!

The designer in me couldn't wait to stage the closet and take a few photos before completely moving back in.
The minimalist in me suggested to my husband that we get rid of all but three outfits so I could keep the closet looking this lovely. Immediate rejection.
The designer, minimalist and perfectionist in me didn't want to "de-stage" the closet and take the next photo...

But the realist in me knew it was only right to share what the closet actually looks like right now - mismatched hangers and all (the rest of the matching hangers are on their way, LOL). It's not bad either way, it's just a little more "full" and I had to take the cute decor off the top to fit all my shoes in. DOH!
Another great thing about redoing the closet is it forced us to simplify and get rid of a lot of unused items and clutter that got shoved in there over the years. Several large bags of clothes and shoes went to Goodwill and there will be additional trips in the near future. I feel so much lighter already! ;)
I was a little worried to put all that weight on something I hung, but we made sure to install in the studs and use heavy duty drywall anchors for extra reinforcement where we couldn't meet a stud. I'm very pleased with our DIY custom closet with Modular Closets thus far and would definitely recommend them if you're looking to redo your closet on a budget!